Saturday, December 31, 2011


Hva er design?

Utvikling av selskapets - identitet, innovasjon, produkt, butikk osv.
design av identitet = font, farger og logo




Krogsveen - Ønsket å stå fram i Aftenposten. De valgte grønn som farege i alle annonser, De opplevde økt interessse og besøk etter på!

Startet av 3 menn. De jobber med grunnverdi at uskyld, humor, entusiasme. Dette ser en i alt fra sponsing, kontakt og e-post.
Ble rangert som det 3 raskeste britiske selskapet.

Yellowpage -
Endret font, sparte 1,8 millioner pund. Fonten gav færre og kortere linjer.

Friday, December 30, 2011


We help you explore new
and interesting things from
every corner of the Web.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ways to Generate Facebook Fans

Have a Contest
Promote guidelines -
Application builders
E-mail Your Customers
Create the WELCOMEpage using a service such as TabSite or Pagemodo
Give Stuff Away


Google Analytics offers an “Enterprise Class”, which features a tool called “e-commerce reporting” to help you track online sales. Another great thing about Google Analytics is that you can always find out where your website visitors are coming from with their “traffic source” feature. Therefore, if you have an ecommerce page on your website, you can find out how effective your social networks are at driving traffic to this page.

2D VS 3D

Advertisers who start producing 3D commercials can’t assume that all they need to do is change out a standard camera for a 3D setup – eye tracking data shows that people who view the same scene in 3D vs. 2D look at different things.

The image above shows eye-tracking “heat maps” for the same image viewed in 3D (left) vs. 2D (right). The Finnish and Japanese authors of the study, What do people look at when they watch stereoscopic movies?, found that when viewing 3D movies viewers gaze is less focused. There is more eye movement, and they take in more elements of the scene.

Creators of 3D commercials would be well advised to keep distracting elements out of the shots where they want attention to be focused on the actor(s) or product.

Analysis Tool for Websites


How to Write Taglines That Double Sales

En rekke undersøkelser viser at én frase slagord kan ha stor innvirkning på hvordan kundene ser produktet.

Harvard Business Review fokuserer på spørsmålet om markedsføring vs forebygging. Mens forebygging-tenkende forbrukere er bekymret for mulig tap av det de har, er forfremmelse-orienterte forbrukere mer positivt fokus på muligheter til å forbedre sine liv.

Tannkrem, for eksempel kan gi "hvitere tenner og frisk pust" (forfremmelse) eller "stop hulrom og drepe bakterier som forårsaker gingevitis" (forebygging). I slike tilfeller avhenger den riktige måten å markedsføre mer på kunden enn produktet.

derfor kunne direkte post eller web-annonser rettet mot yngre kunder vektlegger gevinst og langsiktig vekstpotensial, mens annonser for eldre kunder vil understreke sikkerhet, spesielt med tanke på å unngå tap og forebygge en reduksjon i framtidige inntekter.

Promotion-oriented, gain-frame: Get Energized!
Promotion-oriented, loss-frame: Don’t Miss Out on Getting Energized!

Prevention-oriented, gain-frame: Prevent Clogged Arteries!
Prevention-oriented, loss-frame: Don’t Miss Out on Preventing Clogged Arteries!

The most effective messages were those in which the gain/loss framing matched the message: gain for promotion and loss for prevention

Promotion: Be The Company Hero: Read Brainfluence, Create Explosive Sales!
Prevention: Don’t Waste Money, Read Brainfluence for 100 Ways to Make Your Marketing More Effective!

The Science of Shopping men vs women

Here's another statistical comparison: Eighty-six percent of women look at price tags when they shop. Only 72 percent of men do. For a man, ignoring the price tag is almost a measure of his virility. As a result, men are far more easily upgraded than are women shoppers. They are also far more suggestible than women — men seem so anxious to get out of the store that they'll say yes to almost anything.

65 percent of male shoppers who tried something on bought it, as opposed to 25 percent of female shoppers.

Or why the conventional wisdom is, sell to the woman, close to the man. Because while the man may not love the experience of shopping, he gets a definite thrill from the experience of paying. It allows him to feel in charge even when he isn't. Stores that sell prom gowns depend on this. Generally, when Dad's along, the girl will get a pricier frock than if just Mom was there with her.

Excerpted from Why We Buy by Paco Underhill Copyright © 1999 by Obat, Inc.

What do you get when you wire up a shopper with an EEG cap and eye-tracking gear?

Interestingly, all of those “Buy One, Get One Free!” and “SALE!” signs in your grocery store actually DO get your brain to light up.
Shoppers really do react to in-store signs and promotions and change their buying behavior.

Inside the brain of a shopper

Offer a Third Choice, Boost Sales

University of Minnesota have used brain scans to show that it’s easier for people to make a decision when a third product option is present vs. choosing between just two possibilities.

Overall, the presence of the extra, “just okay” possibility systematically increased preference for the better options. The fMRI scans showed that when making a choice between only two, equally preferred options; subjects tended to display irritation because of the difficulty of the choice process. The presence of the third option made the choice process easier and relatively more pleasurable
Emphasis added. From Inside the consumer mind: U of M brain scans reveal choice mechanism.]

Good, Better, Best?

It has long been a common practice to offer three options – a “good” product for the value shopper, a “best” product from the shopper willing to pay a premium, and a “better” product for everyone else. That’s classic “compromise” marketing as the high-end product makes the mid-priced product look like an excellent choice.

More Choices, Fewer Sales

The trick, it seems, is finding the sweet spot for your product: offering enough choices to ensure that a customer can find a satisfying product, but not so many that the customer will be bewildered or demotivated.

- A 2000 study at Columbia University compared consumer behavior when confronted with a selection of either six or 24 gourmet jams in an upscale grocery store. The bigger selection did indeed cause more customers to stop and check it out – 60% vs. 40% for the limited selection. The interesting part, though, was the purchasing behavior. While 30% of the customers presented with the limited selection made a purchase, a mere 3% of those who saw the extensive selection bought something

See When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing? Iyengar, S. S., & Lepper, M. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 995-1006. (2000).]

A predicted 40% sales boost from letting the sunshine in

One study shows that changing the retail lighting environment can be good for the environment AND boost sales:

Skylights were found to be positively and significantly correlated to higher sales. All other things being equal, an average non-skylit store in the chain would likely have 40% higher sales with the addition of skylights, with a probable range between 31% and 49%. This was found with 99% statistical certainty. [From a Pacific Gas & Electric study: Skylighting and Retail Sales - An Investigation into the Relationship Between Daylighting and Human Performance.]
Have a consistent savings message, and repeat it frequently!

Most of us ARE willing to spend more if we think we are getting a deal

Simple Slogans Double Sales

Surprising research shows that consumers exposed to the Walmart name might actually spend less than those exposed to the store’s current slogan, “Save money. Live better.

The experiment divided subjects into two groups. Half were exposed to brand names associated with saving money, like Walmart, Dollar General, Sears, Ross, etc. The other half were exposed to the slogans for those retailers, like Sears’ current motto, “The Good Life at a Great Price. Guaranteed.” When asked to visualize a shopping trip and describe how much money would be spent, the brand-exposed group spent an average of $94 vs. the slogan group, who spent just about twice as much: $184.

Hva skjer der ute?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

copy his style?

You can’t go wrong with big graphics and big fonts.

Take a look at Steve’s slides. The font is sixty points. There’s usually one big screenshot or graphic. Look at other tech speaker’s slides—even the ones who have seen Steve in action. The font is eight points, and there are no graphics. So many people say that Steve was the world’s greatest product introduction guy..don’t you wonder why more people don’t copy his style?

How to Write Taglines That Double Sales

Two important consumer motivations: prevention and promotion.


Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

It shows customers they are valued
It's an invitation for customers to ask employees about Linda
It's local charm in a national chain

A word-of-mouth factor

Innocent Drinks, a UK-based smoothie and juice company, donates 10% of their profits to charity. One way they do this is their annual "Big Knit." They ask customers to knit little hats for their bottles that will be displayed for two weeks at large grocery stores in November. For every behatted bottle sold, Innocent will donate 25 cents to a charity that helps the elderly pay their heating bills over the harsh winter. The goal this year: 650,00 hats which would mean £162,500 ($257,000 USD) in donations. The Big Knit was started in 2003 and this year the company hopes to hit the £1 million mark in donations.

Supporters are encouraged to start their own knitting circles to recruit their friends into the effort. Innocent provides all the of materials, including invitations, a hatometer poster to keep track of hats produced, as well as patterns and knitting instructions. You can see the hat creations from last year in this Flickr group. Innocent uses their Facebook page to have fans vote on "Hat of the Week."

And who could resist buying one of bottles that stand out on the store shelf in their warm, fuzzy tobaggans?

Mouth marketing!

Du er det du drikker?

Brew Ha Ha! 101 CreativiTeas For Your Every Need Some people say you are what you eat. Others, more cerebrally inclined, say you are what you think. Idea Champions would like to propose yet another possibility—you are what you drink. And so, in this slightly tongue-in-cheek spirit, we offer you a selection of exotic teas from around the world. Each one has been formulated to stimulate the specific inner quality you need more of in order to manifest your inspired ideas in the marketplace. Your task? To choose three teas whose qualities you most - then brainstorm ways in which you can bring more of those qualities into your life.

1. Opening Up to PossibiliTea 2. Easy Going FlexibiliTea 3. Gandhi-like HumiliTea 4. Well-timed AdaptabiliTea 5. Taking Care of Details Amidst InfiniTea 6. Loosey Goosey ManeuverabiliTea 7. Acceptance of MortaliTea 8. Total QualiTea 9. Beyond MoraliTea 10. An Occasional Dose of RealiTea
11. Following Your Passion With ImpuniTea 12. Balancing PolariTea 13. InterdimensionaliTea 14. Flashes of NonsensicaliTea 15. Unfettered CreativiTea 16. Appreciation of DiversiTea 17. Tuning in to SynchroniciTea 18. OriginaliTea 19. UnconventionaliTea 20. Old Fashioned PracticaliTea

The Top 35 Catalysts for Best Ideas

Go wild!

“The way to succeed is to double your failure rate.”
– Thomas Watson

GROW: Brand Building, Marketing & Advertising

CrackerJack Marketer –
Blackcoffee – Brand Expression Consultancy
Brand Autopsy
Church Of The Customer
Marketing Savant
The Fresh Peel
Own Your Brand
Ruth Mortimer – Brand & Business Blog

Forandring fryder

"Change before you have to." - Jack Welch

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


Er du kreativ?

If I can’t paint or draw, I’m not creative.

Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine works of art: painting, drawing, sculpting, musical composition, etc.

Creativity ability is the skill and talent to use our imagination to create and solve.

A better artist is creative. But, you don’t have to be an artist to be creative.



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